
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

CNN iReport

A friend of mine, Hannah,  posted earlier this week about CNN accepting testimonies from people who have had abortions. She also shared her story.

The deadline for that is tomorrow, but since I currently really don't have any followers who would be interested in that sort of thing, I just wanted to post the link to mine for my records. For those of you who follow any of my other blogs, you know how I am about "records."

Good Night, All. :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

MORE Save One Training

Today I received a call from Sue, the lady who led my Save One post abortive study last Fall. She asked me if I wanted to be a silent observer for their new group starting next week! I told her of course! I think it will really help to get training in for our group!

As a silent observer, my job will be to-observe. I will take notes during the study and then when I get home I will write it all down on a formal paper that goes in their file. Although I will be the "silent observer," I will still be allowed to talk from time to time. I know I will be asked to share my story with the group. I will be there for support and if anybody needs anything. And if one of the leaders is absent, I may be asked to help. Or pray from time to time. Stuff like that. So I can get in some practice too! Between K and I, we will be super experienced by time we start. We already had a day training, went through the class, and went through and studied the leader's binder. Now I will be observing, on the other end of the class. And as I do that, K and I will be working together to figure out how we will do the group together. It is looking more like Fall is when we will be starting, or maybe late April, but probably Fall. At least we will have a good grasp on what we are doing and possibly may be more effective that way.

I am so excited! I feel so Blessed to be able to work with AAA-again! Everybody there has been such a huge help to us! 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Abortion Pill Can Be Reversed!!!

 If you have taken the abortion pill and changed your mind, it can possibly be reversed! Here is a resource for more information!