
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I Am Taking Him Now

Here is the poem I wrote after my dream the other night:
It is Match 1, 2016. A little over a year since I had that dream. And I am just posting it. Because it finally came true.

I am Taking Him Now

It was nice to see your Angel Face today.
Dark hair. Dark skin. Your eyes.
You look just like your sister.

Holding you up against my chest.
Savoring every breath
While I held
Your angel body.

Warmth flooded my veins.
With Love that overcame my shame.
I was whole again.
If only for a minute.

Lucy, I am taking him now.
Is that okay?
I know you just found out today,
But I promise
He is safe with me.
Unlike you.

We will love him like we love you now.
Give him everything we can.
We will tell him about the God we found.
And hold his little hand.
He will experience everything you never did.
But I know you want for him.

I'm sorry you were second.
And he
Is third.
You had to suffer what you did not deserve.
And now you have to sit and wait.
For the return of the ones you love.

But Lucy, you won't believe the impact you are making from above.
You and God are the reason a woman has found her peace after 50 years of shame.
You and God are the reason a Baby is breathing in the arms of his new Mom.
You and God are the reason for our future son.

You are not alone where you are at.
God is with you every day.
You have family up there too and I can only imagine what they had to say,
When they saw your Angel Face.
A baby they never knew existed,
But was waiting up above.

You know I Love You.
I feel it every day.
But I am taking Little Brother now.
We will all be back again some day.

Give him hugs and kisses.
Leave some extra ones for me.
I need enough to last a lifetime, so
Be generous please.

The four of us will see you soon.


I Miss You. I am Taking Brother. I am Sorry. I am Taking Brother.